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City Council Meeting 01/29/2004
Council Meeting #5 of 2004
January 29, 2004
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall
6:00 PM

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs - absent, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present.  

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Beatrice O’Hora, Comptroller; Mike Long, Sr. Planner; Cindy Aikman, Senior Planner, Steve Lynch, Planning Director.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – The City Clerk read a Memoriam honoring Paul Baran, City of Auburn Firefighter who died in January of this year.

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – Clerk read.

Ordinances and Local Laws - None

Mayor Lattimore introduced Mark Westerman, a Falconer from Earlville, New York.  He brought 2 falcons and discussed how they could be used to humanely address the crow over population in Auburn.  

Work Session –

Review of the 2004-05 CDBG Action Plan.  
Steve Lynch, Planning Director introduced Jenny Haines, Senior Planner.  Ms. Haines reviewed the Plan with a power point presentation and handouts.  Council discussed.

Casey Park/Falcon Park – Energy Study.
Ian Shapiro, Tatum Engineering - reviewed the Energy Analysis that was done.  Council discussed.

Public to be heard –
Todd Post, 68 Lake Ave. and owner of Post Realty spoke to complain about problems he has had with the Code Enforcement Office holding up transfers of 2-4 family properties.

Don DiGovini, 12 Drummond St. – spoke to complain about the city plowing snow on his street so that he is blocked in.  He brought a map.

Joe Sarnicola, 14 Sharon St. Owasco – spoke to Council in opposition to the ‘crow shoot’ and any action that would kill or harm crows.

Cindy Ryan, North St., Auburn - spoke to support crows.  She sees no problem and would like to see a crow fest celebrating them.

Rita Sarnicola, Owasco - spoke in support of crows. She opposed the ‘crow shoot’.

Bill Atkins, Oakcreek Apts. Auburn – talked about the fishing derby that WTVH Channel 5 holds.

Frank Benosky, Cayuga spoke to tell Council that the crows are a nuisance to him.

Other Business  - Councilor Dempsey asked why there was no skating at Hoopes Park.  Mr. DelFavero responded to explain that the ice wasn’t thick enough to support it.

Councilor Dempsey commented on the no sales tax week that the County voted not to support.  He disagreed, saying it would hurt local business.

Councilor Hunter announced that the Double Days Hot Stove Dinner is February 7 at 6:30.  He also asked about plans to attend the NYCOM conference.

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:05PM to discuss pending litigation and the financial history of a particular corporation.  It ended at 8:20PM.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM.
